Donate to the Elpis Foundation
The Elpis Foundation is fortunate to have donors throughout Europe and the United States. As a result, there are several ways to donate to Elpis. Please choose whatever option best fits your situation. If such an options does not exit, or have any questions or recommendations, please use the "Donation Inquiry" form at the bottom of this page.
Due to technology or tax considerations, some options will result in a donation to our U.S. partner - International Christian Enterprise (ICE)* - our partners for over 20 years. Be sure to include designation for "Elpis" or one of its projects.
*For U.S. Donors: International Christian Enterprise, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Wire Transfer
Wire Transfers are normally setup with your bank or a third party provider such as Western Union. Banks may or may not charge a fee depending on whether or not the sending and receiving banks are in the same system and/or country. Be sure to know these fees before setting up a transfer. Currency exchange rates may also apply.
Elpis can accept transfers in the 3 currencies.
Click on your desired currency to display the associated IBAN Account Information
Credit Card or PayPal
Donations may be received from any major Credit Card or PayPal though ICE. No PayPal account is required for donations using a Credit Card, however the credit card processing is performed by PayPal.
Note: Although we are currently only setup to receive donations using Credit Card or PayPal through our US Partners at ICE., we are researching a similar configuration that will receive donations directly to Elpis Foundation.